Pretty Petals 4 U

hand picked flowers

just for youfor your loved onefor all occassions

Florist in Derby

Same Day Delivery


Mob: +44 (0)7813 343577
Landline: (0)1332 343577

Creating Breathtaking Bouquets & Same Day Delivery Service!

Hat Box Flowers


Hat box arrangements are a stunning floral presentation where blooms are artfully designed within elegant hat boxes. These boxes not only serve as a chic alternative to traditional vases but also preserve the freshness of the flowers with their water-retaining base.


Why choose Pretty Petals 4 U

Florist in Derby


We Pretty Petals 4u Local Florist in Derby, Established over 11 years, we are a local independent Derby florist, which prides itself in providing only the Finest Dutch and English grown flowers. We specialise in wedding, funeral, corporate events and special occasions arrangements. Compliment your order with our contemporary balloons, cards, chocolates and beautiful gifts. We also specialise in personalised balloons. As well as a same day delivery service. We are here with a commitment of quality, passion, service and value for money.

Our team of experienced florists in Derby are on hand to help and advise whatever your floristry needs.
Please feel free to call us direct on 01332 343577 for more details

Our Opening Times Are As Follows:
Monday – Saturday  10:00am – 6pm
Out of Working hours, please ring 07813 343577